3 Replies

i ordered the sea band and just received mine today. hope it works. Plain crackers also work for me. I just force myself to eat 2-3 pieces every 2 hours to keep my stomach busy. haha. I also make sure i eat them before i slp and right after i woke up. you can also ask ur doc for anti nausea pills. those really work for me but i feel drowsy after taking them. at least i enjoy my food now. all the best!

hi mummy! ms really sucks! for me i ate plain biscuits, sour fruits, and nuts; also took 100plus that's non carbonated. it helped a bit but still have bad ms so i just tahan til it went away at 22 weeks. i also have lemon oil that i sniff from time to time. maybe can give that a try too. take care!

I’m using the sea bands for my second pregnancy (used it with the first too). It definitely works. Guardian sells them.

Hi mummy, maybe you can try the sea band, or sniff the alcohol swab, i heard from obg that it works, anything ginger, eat some crackers before u get out from bed, eat small serving proteins

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