3 Replies

I feel your husband has a really fragile ego and some inferiority complex. I can understand why he was triggered - sharing the post publicly may sound like dissing him in front of his friends, especially if you did not clarify in the post that this isn't your situation but you do empathise and want to spread awareness. It may have been careless on your part, because you should know he is a sensitive person that can blow this up. But I get personally triggered that he is trying to emotionally blackmail you and it's not the first time. Is he so important to your life that he thinks divorce is a threat? Bah! It's unfair to say this based on 1 incident, but if that is the solution he comes up with whenever a conflict occurs, he really doesn't respect the marriage or understand his role as a partner. Maybe when the argument is over you guys can go for marriage counselling, he can learn about conflict management and his responsibilities.

i wasnt aware that he will take it as im saying him because he usually keep whatever things to himself and he didnt let me know either. i only know he kinda a self Centered person. he always slurrr hateful conmebts attafks on me to the extend i did told him i fall out of love already. then he did realise and change but until this again he start. he has been saying divorce for 3 times over small matter.

Super Mum

Hi momma. Sorry to hear this. 1stly divorce should not be uttered at all! Glad to hear he knows he went overboard with that. With that being said, try talking to him again when you are less angry and try not to talk about this just yet. Talk about this only when both of u are ready to hear eachother out without feeling attacked or defensive. Confide with one another and respect eachothers opinion.

tried before. but he always think is no point. Its just revolve around him and he say like its me that being the one who care about myself.

Super Mum

I can understand the frustration especially when you have a baby to care for on top of that. From his POV, he probably felt that others may think the post is about him. It’s just a misunderstanding and nothing a little space and communication can’t fix. I would leave him be for awhile for both of you to clear your heads.

i mean he always*

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