post natal emotions

Apparently, my 20 days old bby cried murder the whole night yesterday. Im a ftm. My mum help me with my confinment and take care of bby in the day time and go back home when hub reaches home at 7.30pm. 15mins from the time mum went off till 10pm bby didnt stop crying. Milk given, diapers checked, swaddle done, burped ok, cradle him, hug and cradle, tried every way, so basically all checked out ok. I started crying uncontrollably, overwhelmed with the situation as it nvr happened. I thought i was a bad mum, not knowing what bby wants and what he needs. After hub saw what i was going thru, he called hismum and my mum over. Bby was crying till 1am. I was still so emotional ,not knowing what bby needs/wants. How do u overcome this similar situation? Do u feel that u weren't good enough?

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Super Mom

I haven't even hit 20 days and I've been overwhelmed many times already. But don't ever feel like you're not good enough. You're getting to know and understand your baby's cries and wants, and that takes time. You're doing a good job, Mummy! Some things I've learnt about my newborn include: sometimes my breastmilk isn't enough, and I've learnt to let go and top up with just a bit of formula, which helps baby calm down... also a good swaddle makes for a more secure baby, especially at night... at this stage, sometimes I have to cuddle baby a lot more at night because baby feels insecure... baby sometimes screams till gas or pooped is passed, and this sometimes requires my help to do so. Every baby is different, but you'll gradually discover what clicks for yours okay? Hang in there!

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5y trước

Thanks much! Its day 24 now and im alrd super slp deprived. 4hrs of slp for the passed few days 😴