Tak terkata sis.. the precious moment ever. Sy BF 1st baby sampai umur dia 3 tahun, slowly wean-off. Sbb dah nak masuk taska masa tu, lepas anak dah fully wean-off mommy yg terlebih2 emo kadang tu menangis sbb rindu anak direct feed kt kita. Tp syukur tak lama lepas si kakak wean-off, preggy 2nd baby. Hopefully 2nd baby ni nanti pun fully bf mcm si kakak❤️❤️🙏🏻
Unexplainable emotions😄 tapi one thing for sure this is the best experience ever❤️ definitely ibu boleh bf baby sampai 2 tahun, just ibu kena selalu relax, jangan stress and be confident with yourself and stay positive ya❤️ bonding with baby through breastfeeding is important too❤️
pengalaman yg plh best dlm hdp dpt menyusukan anak sepenuhnya..🥰 anak 1st n 2nd fm, ank ke3 bru dpt direct bf.. xtergambar dgn kata² perasaan tu..🥰 skrg umo die dh 2thn 7bln at the same time sy pregnant n tggu hr jer dh nk brsalin due 24/8.. berebut la dgn bby nnt 🤣
syukur... 🥰🥰🥰🤱 kalau nurse terlupa, minta bayi hisap susu pertama selepas bersalin tau samada dlm LR atau OT. Cari ilmu penyusuan ya.. penyusuan ni sebenarnya susah tapi membahagiakan