Husband try hearing baby heartbeat
Anyone of your hubbies trying to hear baby's heartbeat by lying on top of your tummy? Around what week would u be able to hear ? #pregnancy #1stimemom #firstbaby

You’ll need a stethoscope for that :) and even then, may and may not hear well. Heh. Some people get the doptone that may generate the heartbeat sound. The more exciting thing is feeling baby’s movements later on:) but my baby always stopped moving when my husband put his hand on my tummy. Lol. Then she’d move again once his hand was off. So cheeky!
Read moreU won't be able to hear any heartbeat. Even with a home doppler, it's not accurate, only medical grade ultrasound can. Wait till abt 6 months to start feeling baby's kicks.
tummy no .. I detected at my throat need to concentrate 2 diff heartbeat .. normal rate is mine faster rate is baby
Read moreit does work. fetal droppler. we at 16weeks. make sure use gel or lubricant. baby heartbeat is usually higher

hi whr do u get it from
Won't be able to hear since your tummy already makes loud noises 😅