Harmony Test
Anyone who didn't do the harmony test?
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I planned to do both initially. After getting my Oscar results and both doctors advised that there is no need for Harmony based on my result, I didn't proceed with Harmony.
Me neither. All my colleagues working in healthcare also didn't pick harmony test. Just do the basic one which is KKH's gold standard.
we didn't since the 1st trim screening shows low risk. will not hesitate if the results had shown high risk
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5y trước
I didn't . Risk levels from OSCAR were extremely low so didn't feel it necessary to do another test
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5y trước
May I know whats your risk levels?
Thành viên VIP
I didnt. Planned to only do if OSCAR test is bad
Influencer của TAP
Me. I did the OSCAR test. Good enough.
Super Mom
Did panorama instead
Thành viên VIP
I didnt take any.
Influencer của TAP
Me never take
Thành viên VIP
Me haven’t
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