Infantile spasm

Hi, anyone who's child is diagnosed with infantile spasm? How do you go about with it? My child has it and I don't know what I should do about it. Dr has adviced on doing MRI to check the root cause then goes for medication of steroids for 6 weeks then another for a year. But I would like to know if it's possible to not do those because it sound invasive.

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MRI is not invasive. Invasive are those like taking bone marrow, those that needs to cut through skin. MRI is just scan. Why not go for a second advice and see what other dr say? Dr gives the best advice, as they will examine your baby. You can tell them your concern and those good dr usually will explain to you in a very layman term as to how the procedure will be like and so on.

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3y trước

Well, the Dr said to do lumbar juncture. Which is invasive. I'm just worried for my child.

Hi there. can I know how is it going with ur child? I suspect my child might have it too