4 Replies

took it last friday at private gynae, mine was NICE brand NIPT, the box states 10 to 14 WORKING days, so i am also anxiously waiting, just like u... hang in there!!! does not include weekends :( i still got minimum 3working days to wait more. hahaha

NUH is also 14 days minimum:) I took mine 18 days ago and my appt is finally tmr so anxious but excited... jiayou! it's coming rly soon for you too ☺️

thanks!! oh ya btw my obgyn said 10-14 working days..which I guess is why doc set my follow-up at least that long later!! you're almost there 🥰

hi hi. I took my nipt at kkh. if they do not call u earlier.. most likely everything is okay..

Took my NIPT at KKH on 7 oct. They called me on 19 oct to tell me my results..

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