KKH Ward A bill

Can anyone share how much did they pay (after medisave) for KKH Ward A. So i know roughly how much i should prepare cash #FTM

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Didnt took A1, took B1 instead. Before medisave bill was almost 9k! After medisave, paid in cash only 3.5k? Rough estimation. 2 days stay only!

2y trước

kkh estimate based on 3 nights. cos they wont allow more than 3 nights without any complications. of cos if u are well enough u can discharge early!

$3k for mom. $500 for baby. total should be under $4k for A ward (3 nights).

2y trước

i chose A1 ward during preadmission. my preadmission was done on zoom pretty late. like a week before my scheduled c section date.