12 Replies

Hi, there could be several reasons leading to this. It could be work-related or financial issues. Try to speak to him and get him to open up to you. Communication is key and I hope that things get better! Cheer up.

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Did you notice anything unusual before the mood swings? Maybe cook him some if his favourite food if he is feeling down? Agree with the rest that you should talk to him about it. Hope things get better:)

Speaking as a guy, this is most likely a work stress issue. Take him out for dinner, cook his favourite food, give him a massage, something to get him to open up to you.

Some husband does experience the same mood swings as the pregnant wife, not just of work related or any other issues.

Maybe he's unhappy at work? You should talk it out and figure out what's troubling you both... take care!

VIP Member

sometimes men tend to keep things within themselves. try talking it out with him and listen.

Sometimes all you need to do is just listen. 🤗

Could be a work issue. Talk to him about it.

Sit down and try to talk to him

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