Anyone know how many times can I feed my lo this in a day? Lo is 7 months old

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As with anything new, I'd start off with giving baby once a day, in small amounts and gradually build up to more and if baby likes and shows no adverse reactions, you can increase daily intake. Personally, I'd use this once a day and would prefer to use fresh ingredients like veggie and fruits to supplement the rest of baby's meals. But that's just me. Here's a guideline on how to use this product as suggested by the manufacturers.

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Once a day for my baby as well. Baby is too young. Add some milk in to the cereal. You can add vegetables as well. I steam, puree then add it in.

Hi, one of my friends mix this with soup and also with breast milk. She makes this as one of the meals for her baby. Usually just once a day.

Once a day too. I avoid adding into their milk bottle as its too thick

here's something from my mummies group friend. (:

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Yup jUST once a day for my baby too

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