brownish spotting in 5-6 week of pregnancy

Anyone having similiar issues that having very light brownish spotting in 5-6 week of pregnancy. No abdominal cramping or painful. please help and share a tips for me

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saya spotting brown discharge everyday since week 5 smpila week 12. tp sikit sgt...tak kena kt pantyliner pun. sometimes klu byk bergerak je dia keluar dark brown. doktor ckp threatened abortion. sy kena mkn duphaston dan ambil injection proluton twice a week. and doctor also bg mc 2 minggu. now alhamdulillah dah 17w3d. u better jumpa gynae utk check

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spotting occurs because of implantation. but if u have doubts please go see a doctor as it may indicate threatened abortion. my first pregnancy was also like that. i didnt want to think something bad. after 2 weeks of that light bleeding i have a miscarriage. so if i were u i would go ask my nurse and doctor for advice before its too late.

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same 2 hari lps tapi sy xnak pkir negative unless die continous kluar jekan so kna checkup..kwn2 ckp mcm tanda pregnant .positive2

sy spotting tiap mggu since week 5.. skrg 7w5d.. dh 3 kali spotting.. alhamdulillah baby ok.. dktor kata its normal ☺

yup better jmpa doc.. sy risau sgt, so sy pegi pac aritu... doc buat internal check up, and follow up dgn o&g

Yes. my first pregnancy like this...but after 3 months will be ok

saya mula2 pun begini.. skrg da 23 weeks.. ok.. xda masalah...

4y trước

sis berapa hari dulu spotting?

brownish is normal.. mine is bright red