Review about dr tan kai lit 👨‍⚕️

Anyone have experience with dr tan kai lit of KKH? Able to share more?

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Just delivered my first child with dr tan kai lit and I must say that the entire pregnancy and post partum journey has been absolutely delightful. He is a very patient doctor, answering my 1001 questions. His C-sect skills are also top notch - the procedure was completed within 15 minutes and I can barely see my scar post surgery thanks to his amazing stitching skills. He was also very considerate to cut it as low as possible so it could be hidden if I wanted to wear a bikini. Happy to say that my scar recovered well too. Would also like to commend his medical team especially Gladys and Ros for making every visit feel so warm and fuzzy. They are like my mummies, always looking out for me and reassuring me that everything will be okay and there's nothing to be afraid of. I always look forward to my check ups because of them. Pros: - Skilled doctor - Friendly and supportive team - Affordable and reasonable Antenatal package for visits - Housed in Thomson hospital so it's like a One stop centre for follow ups, diagnostics, etc. - Reasonable wait time per visit Cons: - Payment by bank QR only otherwise credit card payment will have an additional 1% fee.

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