5 Replies

Hi, most babies are breech at 20 weeks as its still very early and very common and normal. Theyre still very little and still have alot of space to turn here and there. Even for mine. Theyll turn head down at third trimester. 28-35weeks. You should only be worried if baby is still breech at 36 weeks onwards. Mine only turned at 28weeks

agree with older comments that it's still early. my two babies always preferred a transverse lie even in late second tri, and my gynae assured me it's fine since there's still space for them to move around. eventually settled head down at 32-34 weeks. try talking to your baby x

Is this your first? First babies usually turn later. My first baby was breech all the way till week 37 when I went for cesarean. No effects and nothing to worry. My daughter, now 2yo is actively singing, jumping and dancing around the house.

Still very early. I turned at week 35 for my first pregnancy. Usually the baby will turn at around 32 weeks onwards.

Its still early. Mine also was breech at that point. Theres still alot of time to turn.. talk to ur baby

Mine was transverse at 20 weeks, and turned by the 32week scan. It'll be fine, don't worry :)

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