2 Replies

If you don’t mind forfeiting the money and don’t mind paying the new gynae another fee, you still have a chance. Check with the new preferred gynae if he or she is willing to take you in (most gynae stop taking in patients after a certain week). You’ll most probably not be eligible for anymore antenatal packages so your scans from 34 w ~ birth might all be charged as single consultation prices. In conclusion, you don’t mind paying, definitely can find someone else. 😊

mind sharing your gynae's name? same thoughts

I’m seeing Dr Vanaja since 18 weeks. Was quite ok during my second trimester but recently I have painful contractions and had been admitted to the L&D ward twice as observation. During my visit to the clinic, I told her about my contractions but she doesn’t seem concern about it and keep dozing off during the consultation. I’ve been prescribed medicine to ease my contractions but it doesn’t get any better. Now I’m concerned and worried.😑

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