Experience in NUH as subsidised patient.
Anyone had any bad experience when you are in labour? Like inexperienced trainee to deliver for you? Very painful experience while they broke your water bag? And very painful stitches done? I am so phobia with this as I had very bad experience with my no.1 in KKH 8years ago..

I gave birth at NUH as a subsidised patient 9 years ago. Although my labour was 12 hrs long but it was a memorable one. If I can remember well, my labour room was full of trainees & midwives like almost 4-5 of them altogether. Coincidentally, my husband's secondary school mate was 1 of them. She took really good care of me. I was so touched by the care they gave me, I wrote a review and note for them to say my heartfelt thanks. The only part I hate is when they need to poke me for the drip as I am anemiac. Always hard to find my veins so they had to poke me a no. of times. I needed no stitches. I will be giving birth again at NUH next year and hopefully it will also be a memorable one. Personally I think, 1 bad experience does not mean you will always get a bad one cos as a subsidised patient you have many other trainees or midwives with you during labour so hopefully this time, you will have a good experience instead.
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