1 Replies

Yup me. My girl at 36 weeks & 4 mths ago at 35w6d (induced labour)

Yes both were normal birth. I was already 4cm dilated at 34 weeks with my girl and had to be admitted to be observed. On the day of the delivery she was already feeling distressed inside so gynae burst my waterbag and I delivered her 3 hrs later. With my 4 mth old baby, my waterbag leaked prematurely at 35w3d and again I had to be admitted to be observed. On the day of delivery, I had high fever due to infection because of the leaked waterbag and my baby was also distressed inside. Both our heart rate was high. I was induced, did the membrane sweep to speed up the dilation & gave birth 3 hrs later. I will have to go for an emergency c-sect if my dilation was slow that day.

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