sleeplessness in early part of pregnancy?
Anyone experience sleeplessness in early part of pregnancy? I am 4 weeks pregnant only and already experience morning sickness and sleeplessness at nite.

Hi normally pregnancy complications are common while in pregnancy, but sleepless nights means are u not getting sleep or facing any pains ? Are u sleeping day time ? So all these can consider . I had sleep less night from end of my 2nd trimester onwards due to baby movements and backache And all . U May better check with ur gynae regarding this , it’s too early to face sleepless nights
Read moreI'm 4weeks 2days as of writing this - positive tests today! A full night's sleep found me last night after 5days of restlessness.. maybe coz in just tired out now! I got up to watch TV on the evening I think was my implantation (crampy) and was just awake from 130-515am.
Thanks all. I have been sleeping on n off before sleeping time. Then when it comes to sleeping time. Couldn't sleep. 😂
Yes! The fatigue during the day is very draining. It gets better in the second trimester.. but for me it came back in the third trimester. Try to get enough rest ok?
I have sleeplessness throughout my pregnancy. Now in 3rd trimester. mainly due to discomfort and having to visit the restroom constantly.
I don’t have any symptoms in first trimester except to feel very tired for the entire day. It’s normal. And it come back again in trimester 3
i can sleep all day but I cant fall asleep at night and my stomach starts cramping at 2 plus. i cant sleep till like 4
I’m currently having the same issue and I’m currently 4weeks pregnant too :(
Have been stealing afternoon naps since week 4. Am at week 10 now.
I’m 4 weeks and experiencing the same😭