Anyone of you allow your 2 months to sleep with you on the same bed or baby cot??

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I co sleep with #2, #3 & #4 aince bitth cos got experience liao. They prefer sleeping with me rather than their cot as they will always cry and i have to get out of birth. As I'm breastfeeding, have baby to co-sleep is wasier for me too.

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my lo co sleep with me after his last latch at 3am as I am too tired to carry him back to his cot. that said, I feel that its good to let them sleep in their cot too as it will be easier to transit them to their own rm when they r older.

during first month my twins sleep on their cot. second month till now (3.5 months old) co-sleep with us. most likely will co-sleep till 6 months old. when they start to crawl and move about, it is safer that they sleep in their cot

My son was scared of his cot. It didn't make sense to let him sleep there and have a restless sleep. He still sleeps beside me up to this day. He's already 4 by the way and am hoping he'll be ready to sleep separately really soon.

I Co - sleep when baby feel insecure, when he kept making noise, he will feel secure and fall sleep v fast. but is abit dangerous as baby really too small sbd we may deep sleep , sometimes totally forgotten he is beside me

If your baby is six months or younger, experts recommend that the best place for him to sleep is on his back in a cot or Moses basket in the same room as you. This applies to daytime naps as well as during the night.

bb zz with me on bed after cl left. partly bb doesn't likes to zz on own cot. buy I prefer to Co zz.. I can see her n smell her. lol. but Hubby super cautious when zz. Cos anytime he is afraid he might just slap her.

I co-sleep with all. Please make sure you remove all big and heavy beddings and you need to "sleep consciously". I accidentally covered my kids with my bolster a few times when I am too tired.. then I ditched it.

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I co-sleep with my gal since day 1 , day 2 after we reach home she sleep with me on our bed. if you will fall into deep sleep and will toss and turn alot then better not sleep with baby beside you.

for me, my son slp in the cot till 1.5yrs old. by then he is at my parents house on weekdays. so he sleep on the bed with my mom in another room. weekends my son will sleep with us.