pre signs of labour
Anybody can share with their experience of early signs of labour? And if anybody taken hospitalisation leave before starting on maternity leave?

Depends on your pregnancy. I had 3 pregnancies. With my 1st one, I had no signs because I was induced at 38 weeks. With my 2nd one, I was already 4 cm dilated at 37ish weeks when I went for my gynae appointment. Gynae did membrane sweep to try to induce labour naturally. 48 hours in, my water bag burst, followed by bleeding and then very strong contractions. With my 3rd, I had no signs. I had mild contractions at 36 weeks and a spot of blood. No water bag burst or heavy bleeding. When my contractions finally intensified, I was fully dilated and ready to give birth. As for hospitalisation leave, depends on the gynae. I received HL for my 1st and 2nd pregnancies.
Read moreRegular contractions that become more intense. Waterbag burst. Discharge accompanied with little blood. I took 1 month HL before my ML but it depends on your gynae if he/she is comfortable in giving you HL before your EDD.
Blessed with 1