5 Replies

Let your baby determine when he/she is ready. Here are some signs to indicate that toddlers are ready for this next stage: - fairly regular bowel movements - wake up dry from naps - usually stop whatever they are doing and concentrate on trying to have their bowel movements - dislike being wet and dirty - can make reference to pee and poo - show interest in others using the bathroom - can understand and follow simple, straightforward instructions Once a toddler exhibits two or more of these signs, a parent con consider starting to potty train the child. For more information on when to start potty training, you can refer to this article: http://sg.theasianparent.com/when-should-i-begin-potty-training-my-toddler/

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Try as early as 1 year old and keep an eye on your child. Children are really intelligent and can hint to you when they're ready. Whether it's 1 year or 3 years it's up to your child to let you know


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