same boat with me....pregnancy diabetes
hi...any1 like me....22 weeks n on insulin for so called diabetes during pregnancy.....any1 in the same boat with me....
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same hari ini prg check doktor ckp minggu depan masuk wad bersalin sudah....tiap2 hari kena jarum sdh takut😥😥😥 sekali kena ambil insulin 4 kali😰😰😰
me?? diabetic who gets pregnant 😪☹ hope baby will be fine. on insulin and med since 8weeks. 😟 i feel so bad for my baby. is everything gonna be alright?
Same here. Im type 2 dm b4 preggy. On insulin 4x daily. I feel bad everyday for my baby.
May i know at which level insulin will be giving? I'm 30wks now, also in diabetes group under foods control + medicine for 1st day today.
Tq for sharing.
Baru je test bsp yesterday.. Hopefuly only control diet.. Takut jarum 😣😣 esok jumpa nurse n doctor..
Ye ke...hehhee...hope everything will be fine.....dont wori...
Me🙋.. I'm type 1 diabetes..on novorapid insulin and lantus...struggling to maintain my BG...
I know how struggled you're... Last few days I met my endo.. He changed my lantus glargine to levemir.. So now I used novorapid and levemir..i increase the night basal so I managed to get the target rates.. I'm latest A1C is 6.1% keeps fighting mommy ...we're a peaceful warrior 💕💪
Hari ni akan check in hospital sbb kena start insulin. Boleh ke kalau tak nak masuk wad.. 😢
Im 15 weeks this week
Aku naik berat lebih 1kg nurse da bising 😂
Ye ke...hehee....i berat x naik pun sis......memang dari dulu kurang berat sebab muntah...doc memang pantau kita lebih teliti....
sama kita sis.. sy pun on insulin..
Ye ke kak...kalau songsang susah nak bersalin dgn induce/normal...dont wori kak all will be fine...usually diabetes memang kena bersalin 38 weeks. ..kak dah wori...cuba scan sekali lagi kak
Hoping for a child