11 Replies

I give Child Life Colostrum With Probiotics 50 Grams Powder. Powder is easier to feed compared to tablet for young kid. The orange taste is quite light. You can buy from iherbs.com. However, I will refrain from feeding it daily after I know some of the side effects of too much probiotics, i.e. it will modify stomach's culture. Our body needs a balance of good and bad bacteria, take for an example if everyone want to be a doctor, and no one want to be a sweeper, our society will be full of rubbish. Thus, I only feed probiotics when my kid has stomachache/diarrhea.

You can get Blackmores kid probiotic from Guardian. It is a trusted Australia brand. It has a very good taste which kids will like and it is suitable for kids who are lactose intolerant. I read that it's suitable for kids above 2 years old. http://sg.theasianparent.com/protection-from-illness-blackmores-kids-probiotic-powder/2/ For younger kids, they can also get probiotic naturally from food such as yogurt!

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VIP Member

Hi, I give my 8month old Biogaia and she loves it. 5drops once daily so it quite convenient for us as well.

VIP Member

What kind of probiotics are you looking for? There are different type of strain
