Any parents experienced a toddler that dislike going to preschool? My toddler has been going to a Montessori's school since Jan 2016, it has been 5 months. He still dislike school and make a fuss out of it. Most of the time will cry before going to school. When he is in his school, he is happy. How do you manage to overcome this school going child fear? Pls share your experiences (if any). Thanks in advance

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since you already know that your child is happy in school, just bear those morning tears and be strong yourself, and send your child even if he cries or makes a fuss. avoid giving him occasional breaks in between, thinking it will help him balance out going to school and being with you. this will only break his routine and confuse him. send him everyday and when he is back, spend a lot of fun time with him. ask him what fun he had in school and talk positively about school.

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