Any parents experienced a toddler that dislike going to preschool? My toddler has been going to a Montessori's school since Jan 2016, it has been 5 months. He still dislike school and make a fuss out of it. Most of the time will cry before going to school. When he is in his school, he is happy. How do you manage to overcome this school going child fear? Pls share your experiences (if any). Thanks in advance

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i think this is very common in most of the kids, even though there are some babies who happily head off to school! both my kids cried a lot for the first few months when they started kindergarten. in fact, my younger one cried and made a fuss the entire first year, and it is only now that she has started being a little alright about going to school, in her second year of kindergarten. even then there are days when she just does not want to go, but once she is in school, she is super happy.

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