Any babywearing mummies here?

Been wearing my boy since we discovered babywearing at 4mo. Tried ring slings, meitai, wraps, onbuhimo, soft structured carriers. I used mainly ring sling, meitai and SSC when he was younger. After he started walking, mainly RS and SSC cos he kept wanting to go up and down. Now, pregnant so almost always RS hip carry, sometimes onbuhimo back carry. He's 27mo 10+kg now. I bring him out alone alot. We don't stay near MRT station and don't have a car. So babywearing really helps a lot. Mostly travel by public bus.
Read moreI babywear my baby till the day I found out I'm expecting another. It's so much convenient when taking public transport, don't have to struggle with closing the pram ètc when taking buses. And the plus point is people will give up seats to you...
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Present! I have been babywearing my son since he was one month old. I started with a ringaling, then wraps, then recently shifted to SSC. But I still use wraps until now. I love wrapping my baby! I love babywearing.
Yup, I baby wear my child. Baby wearing is so much easier than stroller and it feels so nice to have her next to me all the time. What do you use to baby wear, Fiona?
i use both the ring sling and an ergo. If in a hurry or for a short walk I prefer the ringsling. :)
Have been bb wearing right after my NB turns 1mth. It's gd when u need that pair of hands to do other things and yet u can look after bb.
Me still baby wear my 14+mths girl. It is hassle free & convenient esp during my Tokyo trip. It also build bond & my girl enjoy sleeping in it
been wearing since 2011 since my 1st was born. started with rs and moby wrap. time to get a meitai and ssc. love wearing all my kids.
Me too! Since 2007. Babywearing helps so much in terms of calming baby down and handsfree for us to do things we need to!
Yes me! I use wraps mostly. But I've a wrap converted soft structured carrier made locally and a pre-schooler Connecta.
Happy SAHM