Any baby-led weaning mommy here? How to overcome the fear of LO choking since they are learning to gum the whole food ?

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Have you read up on the fundamentals of blw already? you need to know clearly what's the difference between gagging and choking. Like with either blw or traditional weaning, just have to make sure that u offer food sensibly. Which means u try to offer soft mushy food that baby can hold (think thick french fry shape) and gum (if bb doesnt have teeth yet) effectively. Good first foods for 6 mths olds are usually veg like Steamed carrots, broccoli, avocado, sweet potato, soft pears etc etc. Read up on what are common choking hazards eg whole grapes, nuts and try to avoid those in the beginning.

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For a start, give smaller mouthful or pieces. Don't try to give food that requires more chewing till later stage when they are used to chewing food. Monitor and monitor. You must prepare yourself in what to do in case choking happens. For my baby, I steamed baby carrots which are v soft, to let her bite. Then small quantity of grainy porridge rice. The idea is to encourage some chewing. Once she mastered how to chew n swallow well, then I will intro other more food.

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8y trước

For fruit like apples and pears, blueberries , strawberries etc, do u steam too till they are soft? For rice, do u make into rice balls?

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