Super Mum
Ano difference ng Super Mum sa VIP?
Super Mums are the volunteer mom moderators here sa app. Sila po yung mga nag apply before noon and sila yung mga nagmomonitor ng mga questions as well as the answers and nagrereport ng ibang mga issues and users sa head of content ng app. 😊 10 Super Mums lang ang meron as of now but please wait for further announcements. VIP members naman are the members na may 1000+ followers (not sure if 500+ na lang ngayon) sa IG or FB and pwede sila mag apply for certain campaigns and may mga rewards na exclusive lang din sa mga VIP members. I was a VIP member before naging Super Mum.
Đọc thêmyung VIP need ng followers sa IG or FB to qualify pag nag apply. may special campaigns and rewards na for VIPs lang yung SuperMums naman nag apply sa TAP to help out sa pag monitor and answer ng questions.
mom of 2 gwapitos