33 Các câu trả lời

It seems that Crying It Out method is not suitable for our culture here. We were told off by family members if we let our baby cries even for few mins. Your thoughts?

Crying It Out usually means leaving baby in the room to cry alone till baby sleeps, that would be the most extreme way of training, but may also be the fastest for results. There are many other ways to teach a child to pick up the self-soothing strategies, and it doesn’t have to be using Crying It Out, there are many more gentle strategies. However, even the most gentlest strategies sometimes would still result in some baby crying, as you are trying to break a sleep association, making changes to baby’s sleep habits and baby is protesting the change. They can only cry to communicate that they don’t like the change. Hence it’s important that you explain to your family members the reason your baby is crying, and all the crying/ protest should only be temporary and will reduce once your baby can self-settle.

Hai. Puan Wing Yan Ho. Anak sy 5 bulan 12 hari. Dia mengantuk tapi nak juga sy dodoikan dia(pegang). Kenapa la dia tak terlelap @ tidur sendiri?

Hi Sheila, anda perlu terus berusaha untuk meletakkan bayi dalam cot fully awake dan tunggu sampai bayi tidur sendiri. Perlu kurangkan bantuan sekitar tidur, and latihkan bayi tidur sendiri.

Most parents around me don’t sleep train. What is the common implication you’ve seen so far if we choose not to sleep train?

The need for sleep training is really very dependent on family lifestyle and parenting philosophy. I fully respect families for the decisions they make, however, if the lack of sleep is affecting you/ your spouse, your enjoyment as a parent, or your baby’s health, then perhaps you may want to consider seeking help. There are studies that show that sleep issues in babies can persist up to 3-4 years, which is a long time to not have quality sleep for everyone in the family.

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If baby terjaga after midnight, perlu ke kita paksa dia tidur semula atau biarkan dia berjaga n bermain smp tertidur semula. 7 months old

Hi Yanadzul, biasanya saya akan menggalakkan biarkan bayi anda sampai dia tertidur semula tanpa bantuan, biarkan bayi di dalam cot dan pastikan bilik gelap. Berikan bayi susu jika lapar dan tunggu bayi tertidur semula. hanya memberikan bantuan jika bayi terjaga terlalu lama (lebih daripada 1 jam)

Hi doktor, macam mana nak tukarkan waktu tidur anak. Baby sy baru seminggu dilahirkan. Waktu siang dia tidur,bila malam berjaga.

Hi Safika, ia adalah normal bagi newborn untuk mempunyai “upside down days”. Anda boleh mendedahkannya kepada lebih banyak sunlight pada siang hari, dan mula dim the room pada 6pm. Bagi dia tidur malam pada 9pm

Dr, normal ke bayi 2bulan kuat tidur..baby sy tidur sehingga 4jam..minum susu, lepas tu tidur lg..minum susu badan sepenuhnya..

Kenapa baby saya mudah terjaga dari tidur compare to baby lain? Bunyi perlahan pun senang terjaga dan menangis

Cuba berikan white noise untuk membantu bayi tidur dengan lebih lena. Mungkin juga bayi juga mempunyai pergantungan tidur (sleep association) dan tidak boleh menyelesaikan sendiri (self-settle), jadi sentiasa terjaga dan bergantung kepada anda untuk membantu dia kembali tidur.

Hi doktor nak tanya,anak saya dah 4bulan,wktu siang kuat tidor malam plk tidak tidor aktif je kdg smpi jm5 pgi.

Hi Lyana, anda perlu menyesuaikan jam badannya untuk membiarkan tidurnya mencukupi pada siang hari (good naps) dan meletakkan dia tidur bila sunset (around 7/8pm).

Why do babies keep waking up multiple times at night when they started eating solids?

It could be that your baby has trouble digesting solids or have adverse reaction to the solids you introduced. Sometimes solids can also cause tummy issues or baby is constipated and may affect sleep.

How to move a baby to their own room? Or how to move a baby to their own bed or crib?

You should first move your baby into their own cot, that would be the safest place for baby to sleep. Put baby into cot fully awake to encourage baby to fall asleep on their own, there are ways to do this gently. Once baby is adapted to sleeping in the cot, it would be easy to move baby to own room.

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