9 Các câu trả lời

saya dh ttc almost 4years. masuk tahun ke 5, Alhamdulillah lekat. sy pun dh try mcm² cara. n lastly berjaya dgn clomid. sis cuba mintak advise from doc. bgtau dia yg sis nak cuba consume clomid. murah je pil ni. ambil ms 2nd day period. makan 5 hari je. and masa kita subur tu, mmg kena bersama dgn suami sekerap mungkin. pastu sis beli OPK utk keep track bila yg sis betul² subur. boleh beli kat shopee. hope dpt membantu ☺️

welcome sis. and try jugak makan asid folic jenama appeton. tu pun sgt membantu. penting jugak makan asid folic sblum pregnant.

1) Get medical check up - sometimes obese may lead to the difficulties too. look up for the main cause and the medical stuff will suggest more effective ways to get pregnant. 2) Dont try any unnecessaries supplements especially traditional one since most of the folks believe might help 3) Get relex everytime having intercos / try diff positions.

thank you btw already do the medical and doc said nothing problem no cyst and everything

Try the app called “Flo”, enter the information for your period and it will predict ur ovulation period. As sperm can live up to 5 days, you can do it a few days earlier before the ovulation period. If not, u can always get the ovulation kit from pharmacy to see if you are ovulating that day.

Salam sis cube mnum air buah zuriat..insyaallah ade rezeki nty..sy penah kguguran..sy g urut mcik 2 ckp kedudukan peranakkan x betul.. tnye membe dia suruh mnum air buah zuriat alhamdullilah skrg sy da preg.. Sis cube search dekat fb tntg jus buah zuriat.. N lepas mnum 2 sis cube g urut mne taw ade rezeki..

heheheh da pnh cuba , xad rezeki juga

VIP Member

Hi! Sama mcm sy, tak ada problem period etc. Tp dua2 anak sy pakai kaedah BBT sbb asyik tak jd bila pakai apps kalkulator kesuburan. Boleh cuba Google. 😁 Confirm jd kalau tak ada problem. Cuma kena rajin sikit lah. Nk bgtau cara kat sini panjang sgt. 😂

beli thermometer je...

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Try a sendayu tinggi herb its call dfolia. Maybe it can help you. I also have a problem to conceive since my period got problem. After 3months consume alhamdulillah ive got pregnant. Maybe you can have a try

i will in shaa Allah thank you

hi sis, sma la dgn sy. tahun ne tahun ke3 khwin,smpai skrg still usaha utk dpt baby. Sis banyakkan berdoa minta pd tuhan. inshaAllah smpai masa nty kita sma2x dpt good news😘

kedua2 husband and wife kene buat checkup sis. utk kite tau punca dr siape. bukan utk menyalahkan mane2 pihak. tp sebagai usaha utk kita menggandakan lagi usaha yg sedia ada.

in shaa Allah terima kasih sys

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