Helper’s hair

Do you allow your helper to keep her hair Long? What length is acceptable?

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Yes. She tie up her hair up/ use claw clip As long she’s clean n neat. If she wants to go for hair cut I’m ok too.

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I would ensure she keep her cleanliness, have it tied up when she's doing work. Any time outside work, I'm fine with it

Super Mom

I think it’s okay, as long as it doesn’t affect her work. I would request that she ties it up while cooking.

just know that you dont own her. you’re just paying her a meagre salary for very long hours of work.

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I don’t think anybody, other than herself, should decide on this kind of matter.

It's individuals preference. As long as she's tidy and can manage it I'm fine

It's none of your business, really... it's her hair, her body

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I don't mind the length but cleanliness is a must.

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Quite sad if employer disallow long hair.

I don't interfere with her personal