baby boy
Alhamdulillah. Safely delivered. Little hero, 3.27kg. 12.03 am this morning...

Alhamdulillah.. Tahniah sis.. Haha sy ni xtau bila baby nk kluar.. Due date 25 jun ni.. 😂 Adoii neves juga..
Congratulation mummy! Enjoy your confinement phase and motherhood journey!
Wahhhh tahniah2. Selamat berpantang sis. Hope baby and mommies dia sihat.
Tahniah...selamat berpantang...take care mummy n baby..💓💓😍😍
Alhamdulillah tahniah sis... Sya punya turn entah bila la ni.. Huhu
Alhamdulillah ... Congrats mommy.. slmt bpntang ye
Congrats both of u sis.. Selamat berpantang
Congrates mommy. Sakit normal or induce sis?
Brpa jam sis contraction after induce? Harap2 saya nnti dprrmudahkan. Now 37weeks. Tp haritu doc sruh sy induce nnti 39 weeks which means awal smggu from due.
tahniah .. selamat berpantang 😊
Tahniah mom...selamat berpantang
Excited to become a mum