After i boil n mash into puree can i put the remaining at the chiller instead of freezer? When my lo one to eat i just take out and make warm. She 6month old.

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Yes you can but it is recommended that freshly pureed homemade baby food be stored no longer than 48 hours. This will ensure that bacteria growth in the puree is kept to a minimum and that the food. Freezing will allow you to keep it longer.

9y trước

I suppose so but before feeding it to baby, check for any weird smells, weird discoloration etc on the purees. If you suspect it has gone bad, best to toss it. But if everything looks okay, I don't see why not.

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Always freeze as this will help to maintain the nutrients and will help to keep the puree for longer. If you freeze it it could open itself to contamination and bacteria build up

9y trước

my freezer there are alot of raw meat n fish. that y i do not one to put in the freezer. But let say i make small amount of puree like for 2days consumption do i still need to put in the freezer?