25 Replies

My mother was a teacher, and my father was a school principal they taught us that education is important because https://essay-reviewer.com/essayswriting-org-review/ gives us an opportunity to change ourselves through knowledge, skills, and experience so that we can make the world a better place for those around us.

I would only stay on if we had kids and that is contingent on him agreeing to attend marriage counselling and proving himself to me. Honestly, if this happened when we're dating, I'd have no qualms about walking away. But marriage, especially if there are kids in the picture, would compel me to give it another shot.

First of all, I would fix my attitude and behaviours. Because the reason why he cheated probably came from my mistakes. Maybe he didn't like the way I treated him and he turned for someone else who he thought could understand him more than me.

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Forget about the past. Put him under commitment for the present and future. If he does it again consider it’s the time to leave

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