Any affordable buffet dinner with nice food and friendly toddler atmosphere ? Wana give hubby a birthday treat Budget rd $60 per pax weekend

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What's your budget? Popular hotel buffets like Fairmont, Aquamarine, Carousel (Royal Plaza on Scotts) have good atmosphere and I feel have pretty good prices (see link below). Moreover, they usually have credit card discounts so that could take off a chunk of the price. My personal favorite is Carousel at Royal Plaza on Scotts. Good food and great ambience.

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8y trước

Hihi,i know carousel is popular but is rd $88++ per pax abit too pricy

There's a 2 pax buffet dinner @ $108 deal at Amara hotel on Groupon. We went last week. Food is good! $75 for a Lunch Buffet for 2 People at Element, Amara Singapore (worth $115.34). Dinner Options Available

Promo terbesar expert care sudah dimulai, diskon hingga Rp.100.000 sedang berlangsung di shopee, ada juga voucher diskon 100% alias gratis bagi bunda yang beruntung. Buruan cek di (id-10909)

there is a deal for M hotel on groupon nw.... u can check it out....

you can Google for credit card promotions. some have 1 for 1