6 Replies

i'd say it's up to you. some mothers have more supply (i'd believe sometimes it's due to pumping after latch); i find mine useless cuz i direct latch and just so you know, your body will eventually pick up and learn the cues of the demand of milk flow and timing. first few days (once milk comes in approx from 3rd day), there would be engorgement time to time. sometimes baby might sleep slightly longer in between certain feeds and might need to pump due to discomfort. i find it abit useless cuz everytime i wanted to pump, my newborn (that point of time) will wake up and asked to latch again 😂 after the first month, body is starting to learn the cues and the engorgement won't feel as bad as the first few days. if you plan to spare some time to pump in between, then yes you'll need them! unless you're like me, stopped work and is with my baby 24/7, i don't mind latching 😋

id say go for it since its your first. although you will only use it for a short while during the first month to build up supply. my first and only pump was medela. bought in year 2013. had been using it for my kid born in year 2013, 2015, 2018 and 2021. again I'll be using it this coming Dec for my 6th baby. i only use it for the first 3 days then direct latch all the way.

Don't mention 😉 remb! it's hard in the beginning. hang in there and you'll be fine after that. I struggled a lot when I first started bf journey. it's nothing to me now as I've continously bf for 10years😅

It depends on what your plans are in terms of feeding baby! I initially planned on breastfeeding all the way, because of the benefits and etc. But when baby was born, she can't latch :') and my milk supply has yet to come in so had to supplement with formula. For now, I am pumping and building my supply instead 😊

I pump exclusively as direct latching was challenging, and pumping and then bottle feeding is faster for me. Up to u to decide on your way of feeding.

It depends if you want to breastfeed baby. I bought pumps but ended up using few days before i gave up pumping and fully on formula.

Up to u? I bought for my first baby. Reusing this round just that i bought new parts

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