Dulu I sama macam ibu tapi berat baby lagi berat 😄, time I 38 weeks baby's weight 3.5kg, so doctor estimated bila I 40 weeks, baby maybe 3.9kg or 4.0kg and pakar OG advise biasanya berat ni estimation je, x accurate sgt. Touch wood🙏🏻 I don't have blood pressure issue, no gdm, not overweight, everything was consider fine.
So I believe my instinct and then I overdue 41 weeks, doctor suggest I czer, TAPI I nak induce and try vaginal delivery sebab naluri I say that I boleh vaginal birth and berat baby x kan seberat tu. My check ups and delivery kat private hospital. Pakar OG I trust my instinct and of course risau sgt juga, and induce I sbb I nak induce.
Lepas induce pukul 11am, around 4pm I dah ada contractions by 3am I able to give vaginal birth and baby's weight 3.05kg instead of 3.9 or 4.0kg.
Kenapa baby's weight bila diukur berat sbb air amniotic plus urinya yg besar and berat sbb tu la. So I trust my naluri hati and I went through smooth vaginal birth thanks to God🙏🏻🤲🏻 and 2 3 pakar OG visited I sbb I took the risk as I trust my body too.
Tapi bukan semua badan ibu sama, ikut keadaan and badan. Nasihat I pada ibu is to trust yourself and be confident and positive. Semoga delivery you dipermudahkan 🙏🏻🤲🏻