How Do You Let Your LO Sleep

Abt method to let your LO sleep?

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My girl turning 7 months soon. Morning time, she can sleep on her own. But I feel very challenging during evening - night time, coz she refuse to sleep. She will whine, scream and seek for attention. Last time after latch I will put her back to her bed she will play and fall asleep. But now even though she is rubbing eye and yawning. But still dw to sleep.

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Initially was latch to sleep. But when I use wet wipes clean her mouth she will wake up. So after I clean I will put her back to her bed. But she will start to lick/suck her plush. Sometimes will fall back asleep but sometimes after awhile she will start to make noise.

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Used Ferber method when she was 3.5 months. Now she naps and sleeps independently without any sleep prop, no pacifier also. Sleep training earlier helped to tide us through the 4mth regression period since she was able to soothe herself to sleep 90% of the time.

She either fall asleep on her own, or I will pat her to sleep if she starts to fuss around. I try not to carry her to sleep unless she is sick then I will place her into her cot when she is drowsy.

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Initially was latch to sleep, then patting the butt.. after he turned 1 he started being able to suck on a tag on his pillow and sleep by himself with someone beside him

Super Mom

My LO was sleep trained with the cry it out method (because the rest didn’t work). She sleeps on her own (in her own room and falls asleep by herself)

My 5 month old tried Cry out methods on 2 3 month dosent seems to work. And too young also. Carry her to sleep now and leave her on the bed after.

Our baby girl (4 months+) always wants to be carried in our arms and pat to sleep. No way she will sleep on her own.

Let him take pacifier and either have to cradle him or put him down and pat him to sleep

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Routine or latch to sleep. If it doesn't work then carry and Pat.