6 Replies

VIP Member

I'd say that you shouldn't be worried - there are so many reasons for everything, and his active lifestyle seems to be one of the reasons too :) As long as he's healthy and happy, I don't think you should be too worried - from what you've mentioned, I think you're doing a really good job! As for weight gain formula, I would say it isn't that much of an issue to be taking such supplements since he's having a good diet and exercise regime - but just want to warn against Pediasure that it's meant as a meal replacement for children who have medical issues (eg. those who have issues swallowing and digesting food), and it's highly loaded with sugar which is also why most picky eaters who drink it become more picky after. Another thing you may want to consider would be that he might start thinking negatively about himself if you start trying to get him to gain weight - you're doing a good job with feeding him the "good things", and he's doing well incorporating exercise into his lifestyle too - so it may cause him unnecessary stress to try to get him to gain weight :)

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You can try Pedisure... it works for kid and adult to gain appropriate weight... my colleague and my friend's son have tried and it worked....

I read that Pediasure is high in sugar . My boy tried n he said is too sweet too n doesn't like it. How about Ensure?

It could be due to many reasons. How is his appetite? Appeton is a good brand. Maybe you want to feed him lysine to increase his appetite?

VIP Member

Could it be genes issue that he is small size and underweight? I wouldn't be so worried since he is having such an active lifestyle.

He is actually tall but skinny. Tall genes from his daddy . Skinny .. I think my hubby n i used to be skinny when young but now not skinny Liao.. heheh

Due to genes could be. Hard to say. As long as he is growing fine I won't worry.

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