Soft firm poop to loose poop

My 9 month old baby always having a soft firm poop after solids but now for past 10 days she is having loose stools and innoticed that started after her 6 in 1 and pneumonia 2 vaccinations….and i went to kkh and they prescribed me some probiotics and it was ok after 3 days but still the poop was loose but now having watery stool is this normal?….has anyone noticed this before?

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Yes the 6 in 1 baby will have experience of loose stool and imbalance of stool colours. I had it close to two to three weeks of baby having loose stool. I was advice to change to soy based as well as taking probiotics. It work wanders. After which I change back to her previous milk. I do not know if that helps for you. But kids having loose stool tends to poo right after and then gets hungry and drink again then poo again. The cycle will repeat.

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8mo trước

Your baby age and mine just a different of a month. I give her Isomil Soy Based under Abbott. I use that only for few weeks till her poo back to normal then change back to previous milk brand. If you don't change back they will have difficulty to adjust. There may be an opinion from dr that there's no need to change but I did make that switch after visiting two different dr and they had same review.