6 Replies

Teething is a possibility. Is ur baby on solids yet? If yes, u can consider increasing ur solids or helping her enjoy her solids so that she will intake more. It's usually just a phase, or it could be an outright way of them telling u they don't like milk anymore. Lol. My son was like that. Since 5+months, v v seldom drink more than 120 but gradually became a big solids eater. Abt 400-700ml milk ok for after 6 months...u can check kk info on weaning too https://www.kkh.com.sg/HealthPedia/Pages/FoodNutritionWeaning.aspx

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Babies generally will let you know if they need something. If they are hungry or need a diaper change. Have you noticed any other changes in her recent behaviour?

VIP Member

could she be teething? usually during the teething phase, their milk intake will be affected due to the swollen gums

She could be teething. If it's only for a period she won't lose the nutrients. Don't worry.

7 month old. Baby should be eating. Have you started in solids for your child?

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