Baby’s appetite - something I should worry about?

My 7 week old baby’s appetite seems to be steadily decreasing, and she is currently only consuming 400-500ml of milk per day (mixed feeding). This is below the recommended 650ml per day for her weight (4.2kg). Previously she could drink up to 700ml per day and even hit 800ml. Nowadays when I try to feed her more but she either just keeps her mouth firmly shut or seems to want to gag if I force her further. She otherwise usually just sleeps. Is this normal and should I be worried about the amount of milk intake?

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Super Mom

I had this problem before. I asked my PD and my PD told me not to worry as long as baby's weight is OK. The weight guide is only a guide.. No need to follow strictly.

As Long as her weight looks ok and she does not seem to be in any sort of discomfort she should be ok. Is there any change in her number of wet diapers?

6y trước

She does seem to poo a bit lesser than before. Is this an issue then?

is she rejecting only breastmilk or formula? generally, if her weight is ok, should still be fine..guides are usually for reference only

6y trước

She seems to reject both

I'm having the same issue now. So is this soemthing to be worrying?

Thành viên VIP

Did you recently change milk or add in a pacifier?

6y trước

Nope no pacifier yet. So far she’s mainly on breast milk, for her night feeds (which is formula) we did change brands though. Does this affect anything? Cos it seems to me that it’s her breast milk intake that went down mainly, her formula intake per feed has always been low to begin with.