3 Replies

Not sure if it's the same, but my friend had the same encounter with her baby (her baby was 7 months old). Her baby will scream, complete with flailing arms and legs, for almost an hour every night. She suspected that it could be due to overstimulation so she tried to keep evening activities to a minimal. Just soothing "chats" and nothing overwhelming. Oh! She also tried to get baby to nap more/longer in the day (though that is sometimes unsuccessful as baby simply doesn't want to sleep).

It could be a coping mechanism. You know babies cannot tell you about what they want, so crying is an effective communication tool. Crying before sleeping could also be soothing for baby. A friend of mine lets baby suckle on a pacifier before sleeping instead of drinking milk. It works and she doesn't have to waste milk as her baby is not really hungry, just needs help soothing himself to sleep. http://www.livestrong.com/article/127483-babies-cry-before-sleeping/

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