My 6 mths old boy is growing well, the only thing that makes me worried is his sleeping habit. He only nurse to sleep. Nothing can help him. He will wake up and cry whenever he finds his mouth has no nipple. Therefore he wakes up about 5 times which disrupts his sleep, this includes nap time as well. How do I change his sleeping behaviour? Pd recommends to give him water instead of bf as by now they should be able to STTN.

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Oh dear, sounds very much like my case. As for me, i just let it be and allow him as long as possible. I kept telling myself its okay only few years more. In future when we want them they wont want us anymore lol.

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Hi dear, giving water will not help to STTN. Sleep is important for their development. You need to start a nap and bedtime routine, and sleep train your boy. You can approach Ms Zoe Chu of SGSupernanny for help :)
