Is 5mths old a good chance to start something other than milk? What is mostly recommended for? How to make?

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The current recommendation from medical authorities like WHO and UNICEF is to wait until 6 months of age before introducing solids as studies have shown that breastmilk or formula is enough to meet baby's nutritional needs for the first 6 months. However, some doctors recommend that babies can start solids by 4 months. I reckon a little after 5 months would be okay as long as you keep feeding baby milk alongside the solids. As long as baby has lost the ‘tongue thrust’ reflex (pushing out anything that you put in), reckon it'll be ok. You can start off by feeding baby veggie purees. Carrots and avocados are popular choices. Also, the traditional route would be to feed baby cereals.

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8y trước

those nestle cereals? is there a guidebook in making purees?