mom's guilt

My 5 weeks' old baby did cluster feeding (direct latch) from 8pm to around 12am (with intermittent breaks but he was mostly awake throughout the period. I only heard him making some sound (not crying) around 4am and saw his eyes opened. Proceeded to feed him immediately. Now feeling guilty because not sure if he did make any noise earlier but I missed it. Worried if I had caused him to be over hungry. He is usually fuss free though and does not really cry much during daytime as well (in daytime once he makes any noise that suggests he is waking up we will attend to him immediately already). Any suggestions on how to ensure that I attend to his hunger cues promptly at night? Should I set alarm to wake up and check on him? What do you normally do?

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Super Mom

Dont be too hard on yourself, mommy! You are already doing a great job. I co-sleep with my 10mo so it makes feeding her easier. She is still waking up every 2-3 hours for feeding. Baby wont be over hungry..they do reverse cycling to comoensate what they miss =) for example some babies reject or had reduced milk feeds at infant care but when they're back home with mommy they would feed more frequently

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