2 Replies

Dont let baby sleep too much in the day! By 5 weeks should start training baby to differentiate day and night if not you’re gonna be the tired one🥺 Day time 4-6 hours of sleep if possible! Do lots of tummy time, singing songs, reading books! If baby too sleet use wet towel to wipe baby face! (All this recommended by PD) night time sleep 11-14 hours! Also 6 weeks is the peak for colic! Baby just wish to be held as a form of comfort! Baby is not really hungry is just comfort latching! So you just let baby latch Dont need go top up milk!!

How has it been? My 2mo also having same issue!! Every time when it’s night time its so stressful because baby very fussy at breast & ended up giving bottle but baby still fussy and dont want to sleep 🥲

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