Itchy scalp
4 months postpartum. Experiencing slight hair loss so I wash my hair every 2 days but I have been having episodes of itchy scalp even after I wash my hair. Any mummies experienced the same? Any remedies? I am going bonkers.

I’m also having some hair loss but I think with the weather, it’s difficult to not bathe every day. The scalp will get oily and itchy. So instead, what I do is.. not comb my hair immediately after the bath (hair is the weakest then). I wait for it to dry before combing. I’m also taking multivitamins because I read that they’re important for healthy hair. Some shampoos may also help with hair fall but I’m worried that my LO may not recognise my smell anymore.. haha. Just riding out this pp hairloss for now. Hope it ends soon...
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