3 month old crying in evening inconsolably

My 3mo+ baby started crying inconsolably since last few days in evening. I try to feed, take a walk, take him out but nothing seems to work. He cries until he gets tired enough to fall asleep. He takes about 2 naps during the day and this starts around 6:30pm. I don’t think it’s colic because his tummy is fine otherwise, no changes to my diet and he is completely breastfed. Any advice is appreciated. Thank you

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Super Mom

Crying for a long time is likely colic. You can't really tell if baby's tummy is OK or not, breastfed babies also can get colic. You can try massaging the tummy and cycling the legs.

3y trước

Thank you, shall try doing this

It might be colic. Please massage his stomach or not let him have ridwind

3y trước

Thank you for your advice, shall try