8 Replies

Take the epidural early when you’re about 4cm dilated, then you won’t feel that painful Contractions and can still rest before pushing. Always remember to take the epi before gynae breaks your water bag! You will be amazed by how much pain your body can endure.

Dun worry! I always believe, no point worrying before. Wait for the actual ting to happen then say! Then i didnt even know i was having contractions when i went a&e thinking it was just very bad tailbone pain but i was actually 4cm dilated 😂

You’re not alone! FTM at 28weeks and already starting to be nervous. But I also tell myself not to worry so much. Be strong and let’s keep reminding ourselves that our bodies are made for this 😊

Dont worry too much about it. You will be amazed by how strong you are when you are in the delivery suite. In the meantime rest well and enjoy the last few moments of pregnancy.

I just gave birth a month ago. Was really worried and all tensed up as it was my first pregnancy. But things were not as scary as I imagined it to be with epidural.

VIP Member

If low tolerance. Please consider epidural! I had natural birth without epidural nor gas and I still remember how it feels 😣

VIP Member

Don’t worry got epidural!

How did it go?

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